Hi there,
Good on you for being keen to pass on your faith to a friend.
I will pray for you as I write this answer!

My thoughts come in two parts.

First, we have to remember that the Bible is a story from beginning to end about God’s plan to save people (well from Genesis 3 to the end!). That being the case, it is important that we introduce people exploring Christianity to this idea. By just giving them a collection of verses, it makes the BIble out to be a wise source book for sagely quotes rather than the story of God’s love for humanity. So I would suggest that you invite your friend to read Mark’s gospel. It is the shortest and easiest to uunderstand and will introduce them to Jesus, what he is on about and why it matters. You could read along with your friend and talk about it together. Say 4 chapters a week over a month or two chapters a week over two months is a good amount of time. If you met weekly to talk about it, I have no doubt your firiend would be challenged by who Jesus is and why he matters.

Second, if you do want some verses, then I go for the series of 3:16’s. They are easy to remember and encapsulate the Gospel and some of the implications. Here are some I recommend for contemplation in no particular order.

John 3:16, 1 Cor 3:16, Col 3:16, 2 Tim 3:16, 1 John 3:16.

It is easier to go the 3:16 route, but I urge you to start with Mark’s Gospel. Being confronted with Christ is the way your friend will be founded in the Christian faith.